Do You Have Questions?

Read our answers to these FAQs to learn more.

  • Services are held at 11.30am in the Singleton Church on the first Sunday of the month and online services are provided by other congregations of the Church on the remaining Sundays each month.

    There is also opportunity for Bible studies and discussions on the remaining Sunday’s each month in the Singleton Church Hall. You are most welcome to call in for a cuppa and a chat from 11.15am each Sunday. Specific Bible studies will be advertised on our website and Facebook page.

    The Church also holds community concerts including Carols by Candlelight in December, as well as special services at Easter and Christmas.

  • A typical Sunday service includes a reading of the Lord’s prayer, Bible readings, singing and a message from one of our preachers. Services are typically 45 minutes in length. We do not take an offering during these services.

  • It is up to each individual to choose what they would like to wear. Some members choose to wear more formal clothing as a form of respect or to put on their best for God and others dress less formally; either way, we want you to feel comfortable coming along. The elders of the Church wear a uniform which helps identify them as leaders and Pastors of the Church – they are here to help so just ask if you have any questions or just want to talk.

  • Isaiah 44:5 outlines three groups.

    One shall say, I am the LORD'S [Christians]; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob [Israel]; and another shall subscribe with his hand unto the LORD [Christ], and surname himself by the name of Israel. Isaiah 44:5

    The name Christian Israelite reflects the third group in this verse, being those who are prepared to sign their name to being a Christian and who also identify as Biblical Israel.

  • Some members of the Church have Jewish heritage and are believers in Jesus Christ the Messiah. Other members are Christians who may not be aware of Jewish heritage but feel called to be of Israel. Of the twelve tribes of Israel in the Bible, 10 have been scattered and lost their identity as Israelites, whilst the two tribes of Benjamin and Judah retained their identity and are commonly referred to as Jews. As the message of this Church is to the whole twelve tribes of Israel, the term Israel or Israelite is used instead of Jew.

  • Christian Israelites view the land of Israel in the Middle East as significant in Biblical history and prophecy. However, our primary mission is centered on entering the Kingdom of God through a covenant relationship with Jesus Christ, the Messiah. We do not engage in geo-political activities. Our emphasis is on spiritual transformation and redemption of our 'earthly' bodies (Genesis 2:7, 1 Corinthians 15:50-54). We eagerly anticipate the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, the realisation of the new heaven and new earth as prophesied in the Bible, and the transformation of our bodies to be like His (Isaiah 66:21-22).

  • Christian Israelites observe the commencement of the Sabbath with a private meeting of members on Friday evening (as the Sabbath starts at sunset on Friday evening). Another private service is held on Sunday mornings for members to honour the Christian Sabbath. Exodus 20:8, 10, Matthew 26:40, Mark 14:37.

  • Some members of the Church have made a personal dedication to the Lord similar to the Nazarite vow taken by Jesus, John the Baptist, Samson and Samuel in the Bible (Numbers 6:1-21). This includes not cutting their hair or beard. The instruction to not shave or cut one’s hair was also a commandment given to the Israelite priests in Leviticus 19:27.

  • There are many areas of the Old and New Testament that discuss diet. Dietary instructions were given by God to the Israelites in the Old Testament (Leviticus 11, Deuteronomy 14) and Christians in the New Testament were also instructed to “abstain from things strangled and from blood” (Acts 15:20, 29) during the initial development of the Christian church. We believe Gods instructions to his people were given with reason and for the benefit of those who kept them; it says in Deuteronomy 6:24 that God’s commands are “for our good always”. The food laws in the Old Testament outline which meats are considered ‘clean’ and how best to prepare them for eating. It also outlines meats that are considered unclean which God said his people should not eat. Some members of the church seek to follow the way of life that was outlined here by God, and Jesus having also kept these instructions is a great example to us (Galatians 4:4, 1 Peter 2:21). There are some members who decide to be fully vegetarian. One reason for this is that in the beginning when man was created in the garden of Eden, God gave man “every herb bearing seed… and every tree…for meat” Genesis 1:29-30. We believe the Bible instructs us to live a healthy lifestyle which is encouraged in God’s Laws and commands; diet is one part of this but once again it is a personal choice and not a requirement.

  • There are several ways to learn more about the Church.


    You can contact one of our local pastors who can provide further information or answer any questions you may have. Our pastors can be contacted by email at info@cichurchsingleton.org.au or by phone on 0407 87 54 21.


    You can download the following booklets to learn more about our beliefs and faith practices:

    a. The Hope of the Life of the Body

    b. Life Immortal


    You can tune in to online services each week using this link - Click Here

    You can also listen to messages from past services under the Services tab of this website - Click Here


    You can visit the websites of our other Church congregations to listen to more sermons and read articles at:

    a. http://cichurch.asn.au/

    b. https://www.christianisraelite.org/

    c. https://tcichurch.org.au/


    You can attend one of our services. Singleton service dates and times are listed on our Events page and our Facebook page. You can also attend services with one of our other congregations. The addresses and contact details for these can be found at http://cichurch.asn.au/ under the Locations tab.


    You can subscribe to our mailing list to receive our quarterly magazine and email updates on upcoming services and events. Subscribe by completing the short form below.